Yoda Cave.

The Yoda Cave, a striking natural formation at Hjörleifshöfði, provides a mystical and acoustic setting for the second main event.

This cave, known for its unique structure that resembles the silhouette of Yoda from Star Wars, adds a touch of whimsy and intrigue.

The natural acoustics of the cave, combined with the surrounding rugged landscape, create an intimate and immersive music experience. It’s a perfect spot for attendees to connect with music, nature, and the magic of the Northern Lights overhead.

Viking Village. Hafnarfjörður

The Viking Village, set against Iceland’s untamed beauty, provides a unique, historical backdrop for our second main event. As dusk falls and the Northern Lights begin their dance, this authentic Norse setting, complete with ancient Nordic structures, comes alive, offering a magical fusion of history and modern festivity under the celestial display. It’s an enchanting space where music and heritage intertwine, creating an intimate celebration amidst the echoes of Viking lore. This venue promises an unforgettable experience, where every moment is steeped in the mystique of the Viking age, amplified by the natural acoustics and the atmospheric Northern Lights overhead.